Leviathan (2025)

LEVIATHAN is a short proof-of-concept film that captures a scene found in Brad Harper’s novel, A Knife in the Fog. The film premiered to an audience consisting of cast, crew, friends and family in both London, UK and in Williamsburg, Virginia, USA and will be submitted to film festivals for the 2025 season. For future updates on this project, please make sure you’re subscribed to Bradley Harper’s newsletter!
Directed by James Mansell
Lauren Cornelius as Margaret Harkness
Matthew Lloyd Davies as Professor Joseph Bell
Rafe Bird as Arthur Conan Doyle
Dark Tryst (2023)

Bradley Harper’s short story, Dark Tryst, which was turned into a comic book, has now also been brought to animated life thanks to the talents of Matthew Lloyd Davies (narration), Zan Korene of Digital Garden (animation), and Jill Tracy (musical score).
The short film made the rounds at film festivals around the world and was honored with several accolades.
You can watch the animated short film on Bradley Harper’s YouTube channel here.